45-51 Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT
Timeline: 2016 –
Rock House is a showcase scheme, blending living, working and community space for both local people and newcomers to Hastings. The space fosters creative enterprise, has generated jobs and self-employment, and is continually contributing to the changing image and reality of Hastings as a place to visit, live and work.
Meanwhile Space CIC, Jericho Road Solutions Limited and Power To Change are partners in a joint venture to purchase and redevelop a previously financially unviable nine-storey office block in Hastings Town Centre. Together they form the company White Rock Neighbourhood Ventures Ltd and have catalysed the re-development process.
Two floors of the building are now flats available to those in need in the local area for rents capped in perpetuity. These flats bring six properties back into use as part of the Empty Homes and Community Grants Programme, run by DCLG.
The added value to the original grant scheme is a further six floors have been converted into affordable workspace, the facades renovated resulting in improvements to the public realm and a co-working space that brings a long-term revenue stream.
Through the redevelopment they have generated demand for rental of the units within the building using a rent and allocations policy designed to support the growth of community business in the local area through a commitment to capped rents.
Spaces available:
Six flats at capped rent
6 floors of creative and community minded workspace
Ground Control co-working and meeting space
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